Monday, October 5, 2009


Anyone want to bring treats/snacks on Sunday? I will still be bringing my pot of coffee, but anyone that wants to add to, please do!

We are looking like a Sunday School class, but what are your thoughts? J. O. made a great point about getting to know each other and finding a group that works for you. I like the idea that we may find a small group from this starting point.

Another thought...

The class is great and we want to include others in the networking portion. How do we grow our "network?"


  1. I am involved in a small group on Thursdays. I would say that we do look like a SundaySchool class, but I would also say that the people that are there have a commitment to be there. The commitment part is important to a small group. I would like to continue this group even after we finish this book because I am learning a lot from those in the group and feel like we are all "in this thing together"(life).

  2. p.s. I'll come up with a snack to bring!
