Monday, October 26, 2009

Friday Night

Hello, All!
Menu for our get together:
Hot dogs
Mac n cheese
Salad (Pipe?)

Kirk and I will provide water and hot cider. BYO drinks if you want something different - oh, and chairs to sit in (duh!). We have plenty of paper plates and such. If you think of something we haven't, let me know.

5:30 - Call for directions - we're in the book. I was going to put it on the blog, but thought I better not.

See you then!

Friday, October 23, 2009


I feel so out of the loop having missed group last week. The baby ended up having a double ear infection complicated by a sinus infection (or vice versa). As the week went on, more and more children were missing from my classroom. I had seven missing on Thursday and I started running fever. Now my voice is missing...well here I have a voice! I can say anything I want with my keyboard. The boys keep asking if my voice is fixed yet. It is so hard not being able to communicate with them like I usually do. However, I have found that I'm talking a lot more to God (and myself) and doing a better job of listening. Perhaps this is one of those things He is working together for good. I'm listening more and talking's gotta be a God thing.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Help with Wants Vs. Needs do you explain wants vs. needs to a 5 year old? Sophie and I were talking last night and you can just tell that she dosn't get it. Also, has anyone else had to cope with the issue of trying to explain that working inside the home is just as important as working outside the home making money?

help with

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Has anyone else's children discovered talking on the phone? My kids LOVE to talk on the phone...If you stop and listen they will tell you the coolest stuff. If you are talking on the phone to her Wheezie will tell you anything you want to know... Try it; it is AMAZING what you will learn....Today I learned that God made tomatoes and strawberrys and staples are made of metal...I tried to talk to her about something "important", but she was more interested in talking today than listening...VERY INTERESTING....have to go awnser the phone....

Monday, October 5, 2009

Phrase of the Day

Instead of telling, and asking, and pleading with our kids to stop tapping their forks, ripping the meijer flier, etc, etc...we've started using the phrase "Hey, I've got a problem. Can you help me?" And with sincerity we tell them something like "My head has had too much noise and that tapping is making it hurt more. Can you help me solve my problem?" They love to feel helpful. Oh, yeah...always follow it up with a real "thank you."


Anyone want to bring treats/snacks on Sunday? I will still be bringing my pot of coffee, but anyone that wants to add to, please do!

We are looking like a Sunday School class, but what are your thoughts? J. O. made a great point about getting to know each other and finding a group that works for you. I like the idea that we may find a small group from this starting point.

Another thought...

The class is great and we want to include others in the networking portion. How do we grow our "network?"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lesson Idea

We read "Horton Hears a Who" (again...) and connected it to how God values us. I made sure we also talked about how even a baby growing in a mama's belly is a person, becaues..."a person's a person, no matter how small." Anyone have a good piece of scripture to tie to that?

Communicating with God

Our two big boys had a great week. Very little fighting! I continued to pray over them aloud at bedtime. Kaden has become more and more responsive to prayer. The other morning he woke up and the first thing he said was "I am gonna be nice and kind at school because God told me that's what I should do." God had told him in his sleep that being kind to his friends was something he needed to do. How amazing is that!

(Although, he also used to dream that the cowboy hat on his curtain talked, too!?!?!)